Nurse Clinics

08 Nurse Clinics(1)

We have highly qualified and dedicated veterinary nurses, all share a passion for providing the best care to all patients.

We are proud to have highly qualified, dedicated, and skilled veterinary nurses who are experienced within several areas, and all share the same passion, striving to give the absolute best care to all our clients and patients.

At our nurse clinics, we provide regular check-ups and preventative treatments and while our nurses are highly qualified, they will always refer to a vet if it is required.

Our clinics may vary across different branches but can include:

  • Post-operative care
  • Anal gland expression
  • Nail clipping
  • Puppy, kitten and adolescent (pre neuter) appointments
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Dental checks
  • Senior checks
  • Blood sampling
  • Repeat Schirmer tear tests
  • Dressings
  • Breeding advice
  • Weight clinics
  • Feeding advice

Many of these are provided free of charge if you are a member of our Pet Health Plan – explore our site or get in touch with the team to find out how to join.

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